19519 Suncove Lane
Humble, TX 77346

Those of you who are ardent model railroaders are well aware of the quality product manufactured on behalf of RailRoad.Ron+PJ. You are the force behind that quality and it is you who have established the standards under which we operate. While many other manufacturers do business out of a sense of satisfaction and complacency, we here at RailRoad.Ron+PJ are driven to attain levels of product realism and performance previously thought unattainable. As we strive to acheive these objectives, we are quite aware of both our costs and your finances. We boast the finest R&D staff ever assembled and take our leadership role very seriously.
Well, the conductor is waving to the engineer to fire up the engine. We will be departing shortly, so sit back and relax. You are about to experience a journey across special rails laid especially for you.